MBSR 8 Week Course Online
Just as with the group sessions you will receive material to complete the course; downloadable MP3s of the meditations and a full participants manual for home study.
The 8 sessions last 1.5 hours and are 1-to-1, allowing for personal reflection, time to practice together as well as look at the theme for the week. During the week you then do the meditations, follow the assignments and read the information provided.
Using either Zoom or Skype participants have the freedom to connect from anywhere. A good internet connection is necessary. The price of the course is 250€.
Contact us for details.

MBSR 8 Week Course Online
Just as with the group sessions you will receive material to complete the course; downloadable MP3s of the meditations and a full participants manual for home study.
The 8 sessions last 1.5 hours and are 1-to-1, allowing for personal reflection, time to practice together as well as look at the theme for the week. During the week you then do the meditations, follow the assignments and read the information provided.
Using either Zoom or Skype participants have the freedom to connect from anywhere. A good internet connection is necessary. The price of the course is 250€.
Contact us for details.

Recent Feedback from an online MBSR student
1. How would you describe your experience over all?
It was fantastic - transformational and unexpected. After 8 weeks of learning and practicing mindfulness, it is a wonder how this hasn’t been taught anywhere before, in school or at home. It has given me new understanding of how the mind works on a physical level and the possibilities of rewiring conditioning and the impact of past experiences. It has taught me new methods of freeing myself emotionally and shed new light on the ongoing fear of fear, and has reminded me of the bigger picture/purpose of life in connection with humanity. I feel on one hand overwhelmed by the new awareness of the underlying barrage of emotions, and grateful for the possibility of unravelling and letting go of these beliefs and fears that no longer serve me, and being able to see an anxiety-free life ahead.
2. Which parts of the course were most valuable for you?
The many practices done throughout the day, and how easily they could be practiced. They could be done in the company of others, in engaging others, and didn’t require retreat-like isolation. In fact, they were best applied to busy and difficult times, which allowed me to see the difference of recognising one’s emotions mindfully and how they can turn around negative reactions to difficult situations.
3. Please describe any changes you have noticed in yourself over the past 8 weeks?
I noticed a heightened awareness of my emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and most importantly the negative bias I carry around in judgment of people and situations. I noticed the difference a beginner’s mind and compassion can make, and the experience of increasingly present in the moment - I would catch myself spiralling into projection and catastrophic thinking more quickly and turn around quicker, discover different ways of seeing a situation and a more rational understanding of other’s behaviour, instead of going into doomsday mode and isolating myself in my mind or dreaming ways of escape. I am in a more hopeful place than when starting 8 weeks ago.
4. Please let me know what you appreciated on the course as well as any suggestions for improvement.
I loved your guidance, our chats about the mind and the wonders mindfulness can do, and especially your sharing or your own experiences and the changes you went through during your practice, and your ongoing practice. It has helped me understand that it’s an ongoing journey and not something that needs a destination or driven result, and helped me approach it in a much gentler and open way.
5. Would you recommend this MBSR course? If so, I would really appreciate you adding your recommendation here so that I can share it.
Absolutely! It is by far the most transformational course I have experienced and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is dealing with ongoing stress or anxiety in their day to day, or is struggling to deal with difficulty. It offers a way out of the emotional prison many of us find ourselves in and opens up a new way of being by offering a different way to looking at life. I have been able to experience true fulfilment and happiness during the practices and look forward to continuing this journey and discovery beyond the course.
6. Does the information I gave about the course on my websites give a good indication of what to expect? If not, what else could I include?
Yes it is - it’s very thorough, nothing else needed.
7. How was your experience working with me as your teacher?
I loved it - thank you so much. I loved that you asked about background, got into discussing how the practices went, and really connected mindfulness with daily life for me. It was so enjoyable just chatting and sharing experiences and thoughts. I would love to take another course with you should the opportunity arise. <3
Please add any comments and suggestions here:
I loved the course just the way it was. If any suggestion, perhaps it’s expanding it more into Hong Kong and bringing a presence there! We need it so much. In terms of flow, perhaps starting each session with a highlight of what the focus of the week will be (after sharing on how the last week went) to set the student’s mind. That being said our conversation always flowed into the topic of the week, so I would say it is great just the way it was.
Thank you for completing the feedback form, your comments are very important for my development as a teacher.
Best regards Emma,